50 Clever Uses For Duct Tape
Its now a well known joke. “If you have an issue, duct tape can fix it!”. However, the more we researched this, it became more and more evident, this was not at all just a joke, but more of an honest tip than anything. Aside from the common uses we all already know of. We set out to find some of the lesser known ways people have used duct tape in a pinch. Hopefully one day these handy duct tape hacks can help you too. We hope you will enjoy these real world examples of clever uses for duct tape below.
Make a rope
A good rope is almost as useful as a roll of duct tape, so why not combine the two? Duct tape has high tensile strength, which actually makes it a great material for rope making. To make a duct tape rope, cut three equal lengths of duct tape. Fold each piece in half, lengthwise, and then braid them together.
Once you have your duct tape rope, you can use it for anything you’d use a regular rope for. Tie things down, make a clothes line to dry your laundry, etc.